Feast Day – Pentecost and Mother Mary – Holy Ghost prayer

In most paintings of Mary with the disciples in the upper room at Pentecost, Our Holy Mother is placed in the center of the picture. There is a reason for this: She is central to Pentecost. She is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, and He comes to her naturally. The disciples not only needed Mary there to encourage them to be patient and wait for the Holy Ghost, but more importantly, they needed her intercession in order to receive the Holy Ghost at all. Jesus was 9 months in the Immaculate womb of our Mother before being born, and by the same token, the Holy Ghost was 9 days in communion with the Immaculate soul of Mary before coming to disciples at Pentecost. For just as Jesus Christ chose to be born into the world through her virginal womb, the Paraclete chose to come into the world through her virginal soul.

This truth is especially evident and most profoundly noted in the year 2020; in this year, the feast of Pentecost and the feast of Mary, Queen of Heaven fall on the same day – May 31. Mary is the chosen vessel of the Holy Ghost. His benedictions and inspirations are poured out on humanity through her. The significance of the Holy Ghost coming into the world through the prayers of Our Mother should never be undermined as it has profound implications for our prayers to the Holy Ghost. If we want to petition or communicate with the Holy Ghost, we must reciprocate and go down the path he paved for us, the royal road of Mary’s soul.

Benedict XVI has affirmed that, “there is no Church without Pentecost and no Pentecost without the Virgin Mary” (Regina Coeli, 5/23/2010) He has also stated: “Wherever Christians gather in prayer with Mary, the Lord gives His Spirit”

Let us go to the Holy Ghost through Mary especially in these trying times of the Covid-19 pandemic with its apparent and hidden evils. It is no accident that the Feast of the Queenship of Mary (The Visitation of Mary in the Novus Ordo) falls on Pentecost this year. It is almost as if God is asking us to pray through Mary to the Holy Ghost to lead us to faith in God and His Love and to protect and guide us through this trial .

To that end, here is a prayer that is recited by the Marian movement of priests. Say three times:

Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Thy well beloved spouse.

I pray for the world now:

Come Holy Ghost, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Thy well beloved spouse.

Come Holy Ghost, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Thy well beloved spouse.

Come Holy Ghost, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Thy well beloved spouse.
